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Doctor and Patient

What's Wrong with the Current Treatment

What's Wrong with the Current Treatment?

Case study

From the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1934 to today, recovery has meant one thing: Talk.


People talk in 12 Step Meetings. People talk to counselors, case managers, and probation officers. People are expected, through talking, to stop their addictive behavior. Talk CAN be profoundly healing for some conditions, but addiction is not one of them. Do we talk people out of diabetes, asthma, or hypertension? Like these conditions, addiction is primarily a biochemical malady. By definition, it cannot be talked away. That’s why conventional
treatment methods result in relapse rates that range from 40 to 50% for alcoholics, to as high as 90% or higher for those addicted to other drugs.

This isn’t the fault of the addict in treatment. It is the fault of the treatment design, which leaves out the most important task in recovery: biochemical repair. Yet, we’ve known since the 1980’s that brain chemistry deficits are the cause of all addictions….Would we complain that the car didn’t try hard enough after it was towed to the garage and talked to, but still wouldn’t start? Alliance members learn what biochemical problems are afflicting their addicted clients. They
also, learn how to use specific nutrients to repair these core problems.


We value counseling and 12 Step approaches, but find that they work best after the biochemical needs are met; when people who suffered addiction are feeling better and have lost their cravings. Our formerly resistant clients suddenly become less depressed, anxious, and exhausted, and more willing and able to make needed changes. The result? Both clients and counselors report much faster progress in group, individual, and family counseling. They also report better retention of the information and wisdom available in educational and 12 Step meetings.

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Disclaimer: The Alliance for Addiction Solutions (AAS) does not provide medical advice. Our programs and website are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Our information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or by any other medical body. The information posted on our website, or given in a presentation, is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any medical problem or condition. We do not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. Information about food, nutritional supplements, and other modalities that is beneficial for the majority of people may be harmful to some people. It is the individual’s responsibility to make personal health care decisions with the advice of a qualified health care provider. The Alliance for Addiction Solutions is not responsible for any errors or omissions in any information posted on the AAS website or given in presentations concerning health care for any condition. The Alliance for Addiction Solutions gives no assurance or warranty regarding the applicability of this information to any individual, or the consequences of any individual’s choice to use this information.

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